Yarn Reviews — Mandala Thick & Quick Yarn RSS

Yarn Review: Mandala Thick & Quick

Unpopular opinion. I've never been a big fan of the Mandala® yarns from Lion Brand. I don't hate them, but I don't really like them either. I want to. I want to participate in the cult obsession around these yarns. I just can't get there. And I've tried many times. The colors look so beautiful in the cakes. But all of them (OG Mandala, Mandala Baby, Mandala Thick & Quick, etc) have a somewhat scratchy feel to me. Not the most offensive yarn I've touched for sure, but also nothing I want to work with. Are you sensing a trend in my sentiment here? It's kinda just eh. But look at the colors! Ahhh... I'm so torn. For this review...

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